The YBIG Independent Supporters Mandate is a representative group for Irish football fans unaffiliated to official supporters clubs. We were founded in 2016 to provide a voice for those fans on issues within Irish football that affect them. Approximately 700 members have signed up since then. New members are always welcome and can sign up by clicking here.

The group was formed by users of the You Boys in Green website, independent of that website, as an alternative for independent supporters who may not have wished to join an officially recognised supporters club, or may not have a supporters club close to their location.  
We are an unincorporated, voluntary, not-for-profit, non-financial organisation and shall not be involved in the distribution of tickets or the receipt, management, use or distribution of any funds for any reason whatsoever.
Our purpose is to raise concerns of independent supporters and also to lobby for a unified voice of supporters’ clubs, other supporters representative groups and independent supporters on areas of mutual interest such as but not limited to ticketing, governance, charity initiatives and stadium atmosphere.
YBIG itself has cultivated many links with supporters worldwide through its tradition of playing fans matches against our opposition the day before Ireland internationals at home and abroad.
We are a group of ordinary fans. Our only interest is to see a healthy, successful game in the country.
Our group is open to all supporters irrespective of gender or status with committee positions open to all members with six month's service. We are governed by our constitution linked here.    

YBIG Mandate contributed to the Governance Review Group (GRG) process conducted into the FAI in 2019 by submitting the document linked here and by meeting with the GRG team to discuss it. 

As a result of that submission, and others submitted by the Irish Supporters Network (ISN) and the Confederation of Republic of Ireland Supporters Clubs (CRISC), Recommendation 75 of the GRG report stated:

“That the representative imbalance in the current make-up of Council be addressed by provision for a further 21 positions which would see the Council with a membership of 79”

Two of those 21 positions were allocated to supporters, on the condition that a representative structure covering all relevant groups that had contributed to the process be put in place.

To meet that condition, the Irish Football Supporters Partnership (IFSP) was founded by the three groups with YBIG Mandate and ISN elected to sit on FAI Council for an initial period, following which the seats will be rotated. Committee positions were also allocated to supporters on the International and High Performance Committee and Club & League Development Committee. A framework document for working together was agreed by all three groups. 

The IFSP are currently engaged with the FAI in relation to the upcoming governance changes outlined in the government's Memorandum of Understanding and the move away from an FAI Council to a General Assembly and will advise members as soon as that process is completed.

If you would like to get involved then please complete our membership form by clicking here and if you have any queries you can reach our committee on     

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