The 12th man YBIG
#By the fans for the fans
YBIG (an abbreviation for You Boys in Green) began in 2005 as a free fanzine that we handed out free at Ireland matches, it then grew into a community of Ireland football fans with a passion for supporting the Ireland team through the good times and bad. Our site and forum is here
YBIG Forum/message board
In 2007 we added a forum to let fans chat and discuss upcoming games and travel arrangements for games. It has become the focal point for the community aspect of Ireland fans, many strong friendships have been formed and numerous 'fan campaigns' have been kicked off through it, such as the Davey Langan testimonial dinner, The Go Green on November 14 (encouraging the country and fans to wear green for the game against France in 2009) and so and so forth, you get the gist the forum is to go place for Ireland fans especially helpful for those planning to travel to an away match.Charity
When you buy anything from the ybig store we will be giving some of your money to the ybig charities that we help raise money for namely Aoibheann's Pink Tie, but we have helped out with plenty more over the years. We will also buy displays, banners and flags for the Singing Section from time to time too.
Testimonials - Trust Pilot
The Singing Section
The YBIG Mandate committee
A fans initiative to work for better governance and fan issues